Victory Support Services, Inc. is not just the name and occupation of our agency, but is a ministry that glorifies God and influences other people to do good works in our world through exceptional and required stewardship.

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Noble thoughts inspire noble deeds and we shall aspire to a life of honorable service. May all our contributions change someone's life of homelessness to a life of VICTORIES.

Part of our ministry is to provide services to the truly destitute disabled homeless and those living in crisis. Whether they are found living in crisis with severe physical disabilities or chronic medical conditions or living with debilitating cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer or dementia and developmental disabilities that have gone untreated resulting in homelessness and living in crisis. After serving over 1000 disabled and special needs homeless in Philadelphia Victory has shown to be a proven resource to help people go from living a life of homelessness and need to a Life of Victories.

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Learn More About Our Mission

The mission of Victory is to serve the disabled homeless and those with disabilities living in crisis. This ministry shall be devoted to establishing and operating programs to feed the disabled and all those suffering from hunger, provide barrier free housing and shelter for the disabled, provide special care for the disabled and special transportation services for the disabled.
Victory aspires to do these works with the empathy in our hearts and the support of like-minded people in the communities we serve.
With this mission we raise resources to provide emergency shelter and barrier free housing to people who are homeless and or living with physical disabilities.

Victory takes in people that are homeless and in emergency situations and helps to get them on their feet. Our Housing ministry and a food kitchen ministry, for senior and disabled homeless in crisis

How to Support Our Mission:


We are a 501c3 non-profit which means all donations are tax deductible! We can accept donations in a variety of ways: cash, a check to Victory Shelter Program, Inc. or you can call our office at 215-382-2938 to donate with a credit card.


Victory Shelter Programs primary mission also includes raising resources to provide emergency shelter and barrier-free housing to people who are homeless and or living with physical disabilities and chronic medical conditions which often prohibit them from entering or remaining in general population homeless shelters in our cities thus endangering their health and welfare.
We also offer short term and long term volunteer and internship opportunities for individuals or organizations wishing to make a difference in people's lives as well as learning skills in the human services field. Individuals and Organizations wishing to share their expertise for a good cause and for people in need, please feel free to contact our offices.
Your tax-deductible donation will be put to good use and is greatly appreciated.
Call to donate 215-382-2938
Thank you

Contact Us Today to Learn More About How to Support Our Mission

Victory Support Services prohibits discrimination against and harassment of any employee or any applicant for employment because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law. All personnel who are responsible for hiring and promoting employees and for the development and implementation of university programs or activities are charged to support this effort and to respond promptly and appropriately to any concerns that are brought to their attention.